Yoga for Beginners: The 9 Types You Need to Know

Yoga for Beginners: The 9 Types You Need to Know

1. Hatha Yoga
2. Vinyasa Yoga
3. Iyengar Yoga
4. Ashtanga Yoga
5. Bikram Yoga
6. Hot Yoga

7. Kundalini Yoga

8. Yin Yoga
9. Restorative Yoga

Yoga for Pregnant

Yoga for Pregnant

Yoga provides holistic health benefits for to-be-mothers:

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पंच तत्व को समझें और सम्मान करें, इसी से बनी है हमारी देह

पंच तत्व को समझें और सम्मान करें, इसी से बनी है हमारी देह

हिन्दू धर्म के अनुसार हमारा ब्रह्मांड, धरती, जीव, जंतु, प्राणी और मनुष्य सभी का निर्माण आठ तत्वों से हुआ है। इन आठ तत्वों में से पांच तत्व को हम सभी जानते हैं। आओ जानते हैं पांच तत्वक्या है।

History of Yoga

History of Yoga

There is no consensus on its chronology or specific origin other than that yoga developed in ancient India. Suggested origins are the Indus Valley Civilization (3300–1900 BCE) and pre-Vedic Eastern states of India, the Vedic period (1500–500 BCE), and the śramaṇa movement. According to Gavin Flood, continuities may exist between those various traditions:

10 Common Yoga Terms to Know

Trying something new can be intimidating, especially yoga. With yoga’s rise in popularity, most studios are packed to the gills. You could end up elbow-to-elbow with a total stranger, fighting for every inch of space. Isn’t yoga supposed to be relaxing?

Benefits of yoga

Benefits of yoga

What are the benefits of practising yoga? Put simply, the reason so many people are falling in love with yoga is that they are discovering how wonderful it is for your mind, body and spirit. But in case you’re not yet convinced, we’ve come up with our top ten reasons why yoga is incredible..